Witness the End - 2034  

A doomsday thriller!   The latest novel from the author of Where the Skinman Roams

Mark thy calendars! This long-awaited book is finished and will be available to the public on 

October 22, 2024

Witness the End is a doomsday thriller like no other. The societal breakdown that marks the end of days, the events that constitute Armageddon, and the utter pandemonium of the Dystopian aftermath left to the few survivors is a tale gripping and riveting. But what's really shocking is the revelation that an obscure group of religious zealots who've been preaching about this very thing for years turn out to be right.  They have been crystal-balling Armageddon since 1879 and have been wrong about the date so many times, that even the most diehard of members stopped taking their prophecy seriously. And then along comes 2034 and - surprise! The proverbial end of the world is finally here, in all its hideous and horrible splendor! And then it's all over but for those who witness the end, all the way through to its climax; those few chosen ones left to carry on, and to try to figure out what comes next. 

The population explosion.

The exponential evolution of technology.

Humankind's ever-developing 
appetite for destruction.

The continuous overuse unto 
draining of natural resources.

These things are prominent in all corners of this world, 
as it is, and are...

The four significant ingredients 
in the rank and smelly stew 
that demands a major correction. 

This pot is about to boil over!

Witness the End

They were right...

Added bonus! 
Rock & roll playlist to accompany the storyline!

Witness the End - 2034 
contains references to no less than 50 songs. Some of these Easter Eggs are bold and blatant, some are so obscure as to be missed by many. Most of them are in the accompanying playlist; the playlist follows the story chronologically, 
with each song adding a bit more meaning to the spot in the story with which it coincides. 
Hit the button below to run the music!

Special! 50th Anniversary Edition!

               It's 50 years since the worst prophetic botch in the history of modern religion-                the Jehovah's Witnesses prediction that Armageddon would arrive in 1975.

Coming October 22, 2024

pre-order link coming shortly

The Jehovah's Witness connection to this story...

A different kind of Jehovah's Witness book; this is not your typical 200-page ranting memoir about someone’s shitty childhood as a Witness, relatives forced to shun each other, and constant fear of the Elders, stool pigeons, and the nonsensical rules and neurotic dogma.

A look at that which nobody bothers to think about - the logistics of both Armageddon and the following New System, their promised Paradise; how does this even work?  And a bit of semi-cynical humor, to twist it up some… 

The prose contains enough Watchtower jargon to instantly transport any former Jehovah's Witness directly back to that original wretched environment - the Kingdom Halls of their childhood, teen- dom or young adulthood; but not enough to spoil the story for other readers.

It's like travelling back in time to the exact place, like slipping into a parallel world. A world where, thinking back on how all that feels so unreal now, after being out for however long, it almost becomes real all over again. 

Think The Stand, but with the JWs promise instead of the killer Superflu plague. 

Think Swan Song, but with the JWs prophecy instead of the standard nuclear war.

Think about the “Paradise” where all the characters in those stories ended up…

But... why would former Jehovah's Witnesses want to read a book that might remind them of such misery and  unpleasantness from their past? Who wants to revisit such distressing memories? Who wants to be that dog, the one who returns to his vomit? And why? Well... what if... what if they were right? What if they just kept getting the date wrong but they had the concept right? What if they were right, and Armageddon, their Armageddon, were to take place in 2034? 

2034? Yes, 2034. Using the same formula they erroneously used to come up with 1914 and 1975 shows they should have been using 2034 all along (the reason for that  is explained in the book). So if they were right and Armageddon came in 2034, if the prophecy came true to its form, this is what we'd have - the entire population of the world, close to nine billion by 2034, aside from a handful of Jehovah's Witnesses, are destroyed (their word). Leaving only Jehovah's surviving Witnesses to... enjoy Paradise? Or clean up the mess? The destruction, the bodies...

Witness The End - 2034  explores how this might work, the logistics and structure of their Armageddon and the follow-up so-called Paradise this handful of people are left to experience. Is it to be Instant Paradise? Did anybody ever ask that question? Does Jehovah make a worldwide announcement, through the Governing Body of course, that Armageddon is about to start and that his faithful must report to their closest Kingdom Hall to take cover? Hang out there until its over? Then what? Go back home and have dinner? What are these people to do now that Armageddon is over and they have graduated into the New System of Things? Hhmm... they spent their lives preaching door-to-door, but now there are no people left to preach to. Everybody else is dead, remember? Oh, and what about everybody else, all dead, now? Are there to be no remains? No matter what method Jehovah used to kill all these people, bodies just don't vanish when people die. And if there has been a recent spate of worldwide destruction, might there not be a mess outside the Kingdom Hall? 

Might there not be some busted-up buildings, wrecked cars, basic rubble? And... won't now all the stores be closed; gas stations, offices, all the places where business, commerce, and even fun and recreation took place, won't all this be either gone or left to wrack and ruin? Uh oh... These faithful sheep are about to exit the sanctity of the Hall where they cowered during Armageddon, to what? Gingerly step over or around the remains of all the people who were not Witnesses; their neighbors, their faithless family members and relatives, others they've known all their lives. Dead bodies everywhere, nine billion stiffs. Who is going to clean up this mess? Bury the dead? Rebuild the homes? Get the power back on? It is too immense to even think about, but let’s put that into perspective: that is approximately 91,000 dead bodies to tend to (to bury, burn, pitch into the closest lake, or heave into some crevasse), for every faithful and righteous survivor of the Big A. Women, kids, men; young and old, weak and strong, dumb or smart. Including all the Elders and those esteemed men of God, the 17 members of the Governing Body. 

Again, think about that miniscule fraction of the population, many of them docile brainwashed sheep, crawling out of their unshattered Kingdom Halls after Armageddon has raged across the globe and revoked the lives of close to nine billion humans – having killed, no, destroyed, every single non-Jehovah's Witness on the face of the Earth. 

Ok, this book is of course a work of fiction. As an ex-JW myself, I no more expect Armageddon to show up in 2034 than I expected it in 1975. This is one hell of an Apocalyptic Thriller, a Psych Thriller, Sci-fi, Horror and Dystopian novel all packed into one. If you're a fan of the genre, this one ranks with the best of them. If there is a genre of Religious Horror, this is it. If there isn't, this book creates it! And the survivors, those self-righteous prigs who thought they were better than everybody else, because they were no part of this world, have now gotten that which they were promised. They survived Armageddon into God's New Order and... they're all stuck with clean-up duty. What the hell, they've also been granted everlasting life, so they will all have plenty of time to complete the task! 

                                           Be careful what you wish for...

Welcome to Paradise!

Available October 22, 2024

pre-order link coming shortly

Armageddon coming too...