The Armageddon Project is a non-fiction work co-written by Larry Gray and his cousin Michael Hart; a haunting and harrowing tale of childhoods spent in the grip of a tightly controlled religious organization. The old phrase "truth is stranger than fiction" certainly applies here.

 The Armageddon Project is now available on Kindle! Only 4.95!

Also, order the physical book at


And now, in keeping with the times and technological evolution, Larry & Mike's The Armageddon Project  - Tales From the Kingdom Hall is now available in multiple ebook formats! Just in time for the Watchtower's 109-year anniversary of the beginning of the so-called Last Days! We're on it now!!

Try it before you buy it! 

Sample or purchase the epic account of growing up under the watchful eye of the Watchtower Society:

The Armageddon Project - Tales From the Kingdom Hall:


 Get the skin on The Armageddon Project right from the writer's mouth! Watch this video and hear as the author explains what this disturbing book is all about. Prepare yourself for an unheard of journey into the realm of God and Satan, sex and demons, brainwashing and isolationism, blood and fear, Bible prophecy, mankind’s impending demise and the forbidden fruit...




2012? 1914? Oh, hell, no!  1975 was the year the world was supposed to end. Armageddon!! And yet here we are, alive and well, and this is still going on in Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls, basements and private meeting rooms, the world over. 2034 anyone? 2034? Yes, 2034. Think about it, think about Noah and his holy floating zoo, and the amount of time he supposedly had granted to him by God to both preach the word and build that boat... then do a little math. 


For a free and open exchange on the subject of the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society, be sure to visit Mike and Larry's Former Jehovah's Witnesses Facebook group at:

Speak what's on your mind, converse with other folks; former, current and future Jehovah's Witnesses sharing ideas, experiences and thoughts. Currently 500+ members and growing!



10.30.2014 - It is with great sadness the I announce the passing of Mike Hart, my cousin, brother in spirit, and good friend. Mike left us after a brief but ugly battle with cancer, on October 5. He was very proud of the part he played in bringing this book to life, and I will continue to offer it in honor of the incredible contribution he made to it.  

We miss you dearly, good buddy. Every time I hear "Spirit in the Sky" I know you're still picking out the tunes.  

Hospital for the insane, Trenton, NJ
The author in Florida